Dear friends, today I would like to talk about expectations.
Be it expectations of one self or expectations of others, we should be aware that the higher we expect, the greater the disappointment of failure.
Sometimes in life, we take people around us for granted.
We expect people around us to be perfect.
But as we all know, humans are never perfect.
The only perfect being is God and god alone.
Therefore, whenever others fail to meet our expectations or when we could not live to our own expectations, it results in disappointment.
We should learn to not expect so much in life and just live life freely.
This way, we can all be happy and if we fail, or when others fail, we do not get affected too easily.
Dear Lord, I pray that you can teach me to be satisfied with what I have or who I am.
Teach me also to be satisfied with people around me and not expect too much about myself or others.
Remind me that humans are not perfect although we are made in the perfect image of You.
And in this imperfections can I see that we are still human.