Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Hi all, I have been busy with my examinations lately. 
But I would like to pause for a little while and take my time to offer a song to God.

Dear Lord, 

As we sit comfortably in our home, offices and schools,
Remind us that there are some people who are not as lucky as us.
Those who live in fear that they might die any minute.
Those living in war torn countries, disaster prone areas and the poor.
Dear lord, remind us to constantly pray for peace and love in this world.
So that one day, we might unite together as brothers and sisters of Christ.
Dear lord, I would also like to pray for those who were affected recently by typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, that they may draw strength and show love to each other in times of difficulties. Let them know that you are always there for them especially in troubled times. Dear Lord, pray also for those who need your help the most, shine a light into their darkness and let them feel the warmth of your love.


Monday, November 25, 2013

God Is Love, trust in him

Have you ever heard of this song that goes

"As I thank You Lord for the trials that come my way 
in that way I can grow each day as I let You lead
and I thank you Lord for the patience those trials bring
in the process of growing I can learn to care

But it goes against the way I am to put my human nature down
and let the spirit take control of all I do
cause when those trials come my human nature shouts the things to do
and God’s soft prompting can be easily ignored

I thank you lord with each trial I feel inside
that your’re there to help lead and guide me away from wrong
Cause you promised Lord that with ev’ry testing
that your way of escaping is easier to bear

I thank you Lord for the vict’ry that growing brings
in surrender of ev’rything life is so worthwhile
and I thank you Lord that when ev’rthing’s put in place
out in front I can see your face and it’s there you belong"

I was playing this song for praise and worship in church camp this weekend.
And it daunted on me how human each of us really are.
Each time we face a failure, we get angry, we get agitated.
And most of the time we let our emotions take control and make rash decisions.
Sometimes these very decisions may cost us dearly.
As i meditated upon these lyrics,
it taught me to always let the holy spirit guide us in whatever things that we do.
God gives us trials to help us grow.
And in this process, we learn to be a stronger person.
We are all human, there is nothing embarrassing about acknowledging our weakness.
As God has said, the humble will be exalted.
Whenever we are facing a difficulty, let us never forget that god is always here with us.
Most of the times he would send somebody to guide you.
Or just guides you with the holy spirit.
Let us always trust in HIM for HE knows what is best for us.

Dear Lord,

Teach us to be patient.
Especially when we are facing troubles.
Remind us that each time we face a hurdle,
It is a stepping stone meant for us to grow stronger.
Remind us that you will never let us be alone and you are always here with us.
Teach us to control our emotions and trust in you.
For you know whats best for each and everyone of us.
We are all humans and we are weak.
But with the grace of the holy spirit guiding us,
we can be strong.
Lead us, guide us, mold us and strengthen us like a potter to his clay.
This we ask in your most precious name.
